sfgifted.com - Psychotherapy for gifted adults | Hilary Beech PhD MBA

Description: Dr. Hilary Beech worked for 20 yrs in environments with gifted people before becoming a psychologist, and has special training in working with gifted adults

Example domain paragraphs

Defining giftedness has been a topic of ongoing debate in the academic and educational community for decades.  Initially, giftedness was defined as scoring greater than 2 standard deviations above the mean (over 130, in the top ~2%) on an IQ test, such as the Stanford-Binet or the Wechsler (WISC or WAIS).  However, this simple measure of giftedness has several weaknesses, including the fact that a full-scale IQ score will average out verbal and mathematical abilities, may mask giftedness when there is a lea

The federal definition is based on the 1972 Marland Report to Congress, and emphasizes five areas of giftedness in considering students for placement in special programs: intellectual, academic, creativity, leadership, and visual and performing arts.  Acknowledging that the environment in which a gifted individual is raised and educated has a huge impact on that person’s subsequent accomplishments, and that achievement test scores are strongly influenced by socioeconomic circumstances, many school districts

The cure for boredom is curiosity.