- Shakespeare Inside, a sequel to Shakespeare in Love

Description: Romeo & Juliet 2 a sequel to William Shakespeare in love starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Colin Firth, Judi Dench, Ben Affleck, Geoffrey Rush, Ralph Fiennes

romeo (194) william shakespeare (42) juliet (32) romeo and juliet (11) globe theatre (3) shakespeare in love (2) sweet sorrow (1)

Example domain paragraphs

 Can modern man write a sonnet or a stage play, that is as good today as Will Shakespeare penned 400 years ago?   Or is art condemned to move ever backwards from her great masters whilst science moves ever forwards from his? Shakespeare inside is not a story about Shakespeare going to prison. Neither is it erotic fiction about Shakespeare having sex. It is a novel that sets out discover the Shakespeare that is within all of us. Can the rose not smell as sweet in a 21st century garden? Is this the face so cl

Shakespeare Inside was written as a sequel to the movie Shakespeare in love by Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard, staring Gywneth Paltrow, Ralph Fiennes, Geoffrey Rush, Judi Dench, Colin Firth and Ben Affleck. The Oscar winning film had one foot in the 16th Century and the other in the 20th century according its director John Madden. The premise of the movie was the question asked by Queen Elizabeth (Judi Dench): Can a play capture the very nature of love? So the next logical step, it seemed to the writer, was a

Does not the rose bloom twice when the season is fair?

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