- Shakespeare is dead homepage - Shakespeare is dead

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Shakespeare is dead is the very first playwriting festival in the Dutch language area. The festival aims to put our contemporary Dutch-speaking playwrights on the centre stage, not only for their own Dutch-speaking audience but also in a wider, international context. Read more...

News See all 13.02.2023 Call Toneelschrijfprijs: deadline 31/3 Did your theatre text premiere between January 1 and December 31 2022? Submit from now on until March 31 your text for the Toneelschrijfprijs 2023, the award for the best originally Dutch-spoken theatre work.

Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond and Theater Bellevue are joining forces to organize Shakespeare is Dead, the festival for the new theater text. What was instigated by Het nieuwstedelijk in Leuven, Belgium, now also ignites in Amsterdam on March 24 and 25