Description: We offer Year 1, 2 and 3 of Shamanic training, Level 1, 2 and 3 of Energy Healing training, weekly Classes and groups, One to one Shamanic sessions, Divination, Ceremonies, Sweat Lodges, Earth Lodges, Vision Quest for young people, Rites of Passage and Goddess Empowerment for Women, community events and so much more. We work with people from all backgrounds and from many parts of the world.
healer (635) shamanism (377) shaman (368) shamanic healing (135) soul retrieval (71) shamanic drumming (6) power animal (4) power retrieval (2) shamanic extraction (1) power ally (1)
Re-awakening ancient wisdom in our modern society
phone 075 0443 8763
message 075 0443 8763