- Chris O'Brien

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The nuts and bolts of Microsoft 365 and SharePoint

I've written quite a lot about Microsoft Syntex AI on this blog and spoken about it at various conferences, and my firm view is that while the arrival of ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilots changes many aspects of how we work, neither fundamentally change the value Syntex can bring to an organisation. I recently gave a talk with the snappy title " AI choices for apps and automation in 2023 - understanding AI Builder, Azure Cognitive Services, Microsoft Syntex, and Azure OpenAI " at the excellent European Power P

AI has always had a wide variety of tools and approaches, but for many it's more confusing than ever now - notably, I find some execs are conflating ChatGPT with AI in general, rather than seeing a broader pictire. Regarding Microsoft Syntex, it's certainly true to say generative AI like ChatGPT didn't exist a couple of years ago when Syntex was introduced - the AI landscape has truly changed dramatically in that time. So it's entirely valid to question how things fit together and whether the newer technolo

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