- sheBREATH bietet transformative 9D Breathwork in München & Deutschland

Description: sheBREATH bietet Breathwork Sessions in und um München, sowie online in Deutsch und Englisch. Atemarbeit führt zu Stressabbau, Verbesserung des Schlafs und Wohlbefindens, Förderung der mentalen Klarheit und Konzentration, mehr Achtsamkeit und einer Regulierung des zentralen Nervensystems.

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On average, we take roughly 20,000 breaths per day.  It is a subconscious effort, however breathing is complex and affects all parts of the body. You use the respiratory system which is made up of of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, and diaphragm. It allows for the vital exchange of gases and ensures the supply of oxygen necessary for the body's cellular functions.  While the diaphragm is the main breathing muscle, the muscles surrounding the ribs, abdomen, neck and shoulders support your

The way you breathe influences every system and function within your body, particularly your nervous system, which has an impact on your endocrine and immune systems. As a result, your breath directly affects your emotions, thoughts, health and performance. The challenge lies in the fact that many of us have developed unhealthy breathing patterns due to a fast paced modern lifestyle, chronic stress, health problems, and even past traumatic experiences.

By learning how to take control of your breath and incorporating breathwork practices tailored to your needs, you can not only significantly enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, but also enable profound inner healing, clarity and  transformation. 

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