Description: Shelby cobra Dealer and Ford GT40 cars by S/C Motorsports
ac cobra (21) carroll shelby (21) 289 fia (5) ford gt40 (4) shelby american (4) shelby cobra dealer (2) shelby cobra kit cars (2) gt40 kit cars (2) ford 429 cobra jet (2) 427 sc (2)
Shelby Cobra Dealer from Mustang, Oklahoma! Let me tell you a little about our people, goals, and our reason for wanting to serve you. I am very pleased to be able to tell you that our staff has at least 120 years of combined, Ford muscle cars experience!!!!. My goal in this business --as an Authorized Shelby Colbra dealer-- is to make sure you have as much, or more fun, than I have had the opportunity to experience in my 28 years of playing with these wonderful Fords! It is also very important to me t
Just so you understand this paragraph, the web host said I need to use some fancy KEY words here. Can you tell by now I'm a car guy, not a computer wiz.......if you're a car guy...or girl??? I think you know what I'm talking about! These fancy Key words are here to help us car guys...and girls, locate this wonderful web site.
At S/C Motorsports we have had the privilege to be able to, collect, race, show, polish, paint, prep, tweak, haul, push, drag, and sometimes even, wreck a few of these little pieces of history, starting with the timid 6 cyl. Mustang coupe, working our way up though the ranks of Boss 302 and Boss 429, Mach1, Cobra Jets, Galaxies, Fairlanes, Mercurys, Cougars, Comets, Falcons, Panteras, Shelbys, Cobras and GT 40. Sorry, I really have no experience in the Daytona Coupes...for the many of you who own them.