- The Shell – Sharing a love of liberty.

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The Shell is a community space in Rollinsford, NH that caters to liberty lovers. It’s also an acronym which stands for “Seacoast Harbors Every Liberty Lover”. We host events, have parties, and grow our community.

A few of us liberty lovers on the Seacoast — with the encouragement of many others like yourself as well as the assistance of SWELL — are building a welcoming, inclusive liberty clubhouse for all liberty lovers around the Seacoast region.

We now rent a small space in a historic mill building to serve as our center for community. This is not necessarily our final location, but just a first step, a place where we can bring together all those who desire a welcoming Seacoast community, to explore everyone’s ideas of what such a space might look like and what it can provide to all of us, and to plan together our next step.

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