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They all lied to the people of Nova Scotia.

Four binders of government information are sitting here on the floor in a large tote. It consists of 80+ Freedom of Information responses from the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness, the Nova Scotia Health Authority, the Department of Education, Vital Statistics Branch of the Department of Internal Services, and the Premier’s Office. My conclusion based on reviewing this data? There was no pandemic in Nova Scotia. Even better than that – the novel killer virus didn’t exist. It was all a lie.

This makes me angry. Not that a deadly virus wasn’t here – that’s the good news...but how politicians and bureaucrats manipulated and brainwashed people in the province who trusted them. They used mean, harsh, degrading, name-calling that segregated mothers from daughters, grandchildren from grandparents, and split life-long friendships. These “leaders” personally attacked and bashed people, had them arrested and fined, went through the process of getting an injunction order that prohibited gatherings by pe

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