Welcome to the official website for the Shepherd Group Brass Band. We are one of the largest Brass Band organisations in the country, made up of 5 ensembles and over 150 players with players ranging from absolute beginners to semi-professionals. The band organisation takes pride in being involved in the local community in York where they have a close association with several charities and also in encouraging new players of all ages to take up a very rewarding hobby.
Our name comes from our association with the Shepherd Group , a key player in the construction industry and one of the leading family-owned private businesses in the UK. The Shepherd Group not only provide us with generous sponsorship but they also allow us the use of their state of the art headquarters in Huntington, York for our rehearsal space.
On this website you will find details about our ensembles, information about on joining us, a history of the band and a list of upcoming concerts.