Description: 石基信息为酒店业、零售业、餐饮业、休闲娱乐业和旅游目的地提供一站式软件和系统解决方案
酒店管理系统 (34) 零售业软件系统 (2) 餐饮业软件系统 (2) 休闲娱乐业软件系统 (2) 旅游目的地软件系统 (2) 酒店业数字化转型 (2) 酒店业解决方案 (2) 零售业解决方案 (2) 餐饮业解决方案 (2) 休闲娱乐业解决方案 (2)
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Shiji Group and its 80+ subsidiaries and brands offer world-class technological solutions for the hotel, retail, food service and entertainment industries.
Our mission is to help our clients better serve their guests through a fully integrated network of hospitality systems. We are committed to security, ease-of-use and modern connectivity so our customers can do what they do best: serving their guests.