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Home shiur 1700 Events Newsletter Main Menu Home Shiur 1700 Events Newsletter Home Slide Shiur 1700 Series SHIUR 1700 as part of the Judisches Leben in Deutschland 1700 initiative will offer a series of specially curated immersive experiences related to Jewish holidays and traditions combined with modern German cultural performances, in key cultural spaces not traditionally associated with Jewish tradition, in Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich, and Berlin.

The idea behind SHIUR 1700 is that there is a symbiotic relationship between German culture and Jewish culture—both have been influenced and have influenced one another. The goal of SHIUR 1700 is to proactively cultivate innovative content that reflects this interconnectedness by partnering traditional Jewish content with contemporary culture to create something new and alive. As opposed to offering a voyeuristic “look into” Judaism, SHIUR 1700 takes a partnership approach that will create the latest phase

Read the newsletter where we critically explore the intersection between theory, text, culture, art, cinema, spirituality, and more. Where Vogue meets Wittgenstein with Pasolini and the Talmud

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