- Geeking with Greg

Description: Writings on artificial intelligence, personalization, recommendations, and the tech industry.

Example domain paragraphs

But several years ago, wisdom of the crowds on the internet started failing . Algorithms started recommending misinformation , scams , and disinformation . What happened? Let's think about it in more detail. What changed that caused problems for wisdom of the crowds? Why did it change? What can we can we do about it? Importantly, did anyone find ways to mitigate the problems? If some did fix their algorithms from amplifying misinformation on their platforms, how did they do that? And why didn't everyone fix

How do some companies fix their algorithms? In the last decade, wisdom of the crowds broke, corrupted by bad actors. But some found fixes that let them still use wisdom of the crowds. Why was Wikipedia resilient to spammers and shills when Facebook and Twitter were not? Diving into how Wikipedia works, this book shows that Wikipedia is not a freewheeling anarchy of wild edits by anyone, but a place where the most reliable and trusted editors have most of the power. A small percentage of dedicated Wikipedia