- Shuter & Shooter Publishers (Pty) Ltd - Online Store & Catalogues

Description: Shuter and Shooter Publishers is a leading South African publisher of educational, supplementary material and elearning in various languages including: Afrikaans, English, Northern Sotho, Southern Sotho, South Ndebele, Swati, Tsonga, Tswana Venda,Xhosa,Zulu.

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Shuter & Shooter Publishers (Pty) Ltd is a proudly South African publishing company. Established as a bookstore almost 100 years ago, we began publishing IsiZulu novels, poetry and textbooks from the early 1930s. Since then, we have been successfully producing quality literature and educational materials in all of South Africa’s official languages. We have a strong focus on developing textbooks for the core schools’ curriculum.

Shuter & Shooter Publishers has over 950 titles on the National Department of Basic Education’s textbook catalogue. All of these titles are in line with the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). We also have an extensive range of supplementary materials for schools to choose from. Some of our most famous imprints are: Shuters Top Class, Shuters Premier, Masihambisane, IsiZulu Sethu, IsiZulu Soqobo, IsiXhosa Ngumdiliya, Sichumile IsiXhosa, Sediba sa thuto, Sediba, Siswati Setfu, Setswana Tota, H

In addition to our printed textbooks and resources, we also offer an extensive range of digital learning materials. These include e-book versions of our CAPS approved titles as well as a growing range of animated video lessons. We are also proud to be an accredited training provider, registered with both the ETDP SETA as well as SACE.

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