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NYCJUG Meeting - Tuesday, July 11th, 2023, 18:30 EDT The New York City J Users Group will hold its regular online monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 11th at 6:30 pm EDT. Please take a look at our Meetup site for further information. To see notes on this and other past meetings, take a look at our meeting notes .

ArrayCast - the array languages podcast This hour long podcast has many episodes, including interviews with numerous notable people in the array-language community. The APL Show Inspired by Ken Iverson's paper ''Notation as Tool of Thought", this podcast explores various aspects of notation in the context of the APL programming languages. APL Quest - Fridays at 15:00 UTC Work through solutions from the Dyalog APL Problem Solving Competition; look here for more information .

Semi-Regular Thursday APL Meetings Nearly every Thursday at 16:00 UTC, either the British APL Association or Dyalog has a meeting or webinar. For more information, look here for the BAA and here for Dyalog .