- Sikhs For Justice

Description: Sikhs For Justice - A Human Rights Advocacy Group

india (8787) justice (1272) human (907) rights (438) sikhs (44)

Example domain paragraphs

Referendum is the process of direct balloting to get the decision of a community on a straightforward political question or proposition requiring to be answered as YES or NO. While the Referendums could be held on constitutional or legislative questions, the most commonly known use of Referendums is to determine and resolve the territorial and sovereignty issues over a geographical region. Through referendums several nations have achieved independence. Most recently, South Sudan was created as an independen

Punjab Independence or Khalistan Referendum is a campaign to liberate Punjab, currently occupied by India. Through voting among the global Sikh community and the people living in Indian Punjab on the question "Should Indian Governed Punjab Be An Independent Country?", the campaign aims to ascertain the will of the Sikhs living anywhere and Punjabis living in Indian Punjab people with regards to secession of Punjab from India and to establish an independent country. The referendum will advance the consensus

The objective of the Punjab/Khalistan Referendum campaign is to give the indigenous people of Indian held Punjab an opportunity to vote on the future and continued association of Punjab with the Union of India. Once an overwhelming majority of the Punjabi people express the wish through ballot for independence from India, United Nations and other international forums will be approached with the goal to hold an official and binding referendum for establishment of Indian Punjab as a sovereign nation state.

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