- Sils im Engadin

Description: Nietzsche, Dürrenmatt und Kästner, Beuys, Strauss & David Bowie machten Sils zum Kulturort mit Weltruf.

engadin (198) sils (24) silsersee (4) ferien im engadin (4) furtschellas (3)

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SILS LIVE — 17:20

The traditional Engadine houses in Sils create the unique village scenery. But they also have fascinating stories to tell. Not only do they provide an insight into times gone by, but also into the traditional Sils crafts which are still very much alive today.

«A roof made of stone slates from Val Fex lasts forever. A modern tiled roof has to be replaced every 20 years.» Few people know as much about the stone roofs of traditional Engadine houses in Sils and the Val Fex as Claudio Meuli. His grandfather worked in the Cheva Plattas da Fex quarry where the much sought-after mica slates come from. Today, Claudio Meuli is the third generation of his family to run a roofing business in Sils. «It’s a labour of love. As craftsmen we not only conserve traditional buildin