- Sílvia Casacuberta Puig

Description: Hello! My name is Sílvia and I come from Barcelona. I am currently a Global Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford, pursuing a Masters by Research in Computer Science under the supervision of Varun Kanade. I graduated summa cum laude from Harvard with a joint A.B. degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, a secondary…

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Sílvia Casacuberta Puig

Hello! My name is Sílvia and I come from Barcelona. This past May, I graduated s umma cum laude from Harvard with a joint A.B. degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, a secondary in Philosophy, and a concurrent S.M. in Computer Science. Next fall, I will be pursuing a Masters by Research in Computer Science at the University of Oxford on a Global Rhodes Scholarship . After that, I will start my PhD in Computer Science at Stanford University, supported by a Stanford Graduate Fellowship .

I am broadly interested in theoretical computer science, including matrix algorithms, cryptography, data privacy, and algorithmic fairness. For my senior thesis, I worked with Salil Vadhan and Cynthia Dwork on complexity-theoretic implications of multicalibration. You can read my thesis here (awarded the Captain Jonathan Fay Prize ).

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