Description: Personal page of Sindhu Ernala
machine learning (3819) schizophrenia (204) digital health (198) computational social science (30) sindhu kiranmai ernala (1) sindhu ernala (1) ernala (1) ernala social computing (1) ernala mental health (1) ernala computer science (1)
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I'm a doctoral candidate in Computer Science at the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. I work in the Social Dynamics and Wellbeing lab and am advised by Munmun De Choudhury . Previously, I was at International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, India where I completed my undergraduate and graduate studies in Computer Science with a research specialization in Humanities. I am broadly interested in Computational Social Science, applying methods from machine learning, statistical mode
Sept 2020 - I'm delighted to be named a finalist for the GVU Foley Scholar Award.