- Single Quantum Event

Description: A collection of worlds, connected by thin threads. More information in the "about" page. SITE UPDATE IN PROGRESS. Status: Tweaking and re-posting stories, gathering information for later posting...

compendium (26) dogtown (9) transmission received (1) of myth and legend (1) dramatis personae

Example domain paragraphs

A collection of worlds, connected by thin threads. More information in the "about" page.

SITE UPDATE IN PROGRESS. Status: Tweaking and re-posting stories, gathering information for later posting (expect WattPad edits as well).

Single Quantum Event is currently in the process of moving back to tumblr. All story content is being reposted here from the site’s third iteration on SquareSpace. The site’s current status will be shared here and on all social media. Thank you for your patience at this time.