- Dentons Pensions | Bespoke SIPP & SSAS Administration

Description: Dentons Pensions is an award winning Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) & Small Self Administered Scheme (SSAS) specialist.

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We are a specialist SIPP and SSAS pension administrator with over   40 years' self invested pension experience. Recognised for our    award winning customer service.

Dentons Pensions has gained a reputation as a professional and efficient specialist pension administrator since 1979. In this time we have grown to administer over 8,000 self invested personal pensions (SIPPs) and approaching 1,400 small self administered schemes (SSAS) with assets in excess of £7.7bn. At the heart of this success is our proud reputation for technical expertise, award winning customer service and the flexibility to meet our clients' needs. We have now been awarded our tenth 5-star service a

Assets under Administration