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My rates are based on the standard fees according to the Editorial Freelancers Association. Click HERE for more information.

My name is S. A. Joo, a freelance editor based in Maryland. I have over a decade of experience in editing and writing all genres in MG, YA, and Adult Fiction. My services also include flash fiction, short stories, articles, and blog posts. Nonfiction editing includes academic essays, dissertations, business documents, and legal documents as well as self-help and memoirs. (Sorry, I do not work on screenplays or poetry.) Currently, I work as a freelance editor at Green Ivy Publishing. Take an advantage of the

The full edit is a combination of substantive editing and copy editing. It's a two-step process that focuses on spotting structural issues within the story such as plot, pacing, voice, character development, and fact-checking. The first step provides in-depth, line-by-line markups and comments, which will guide you through your revision. After the necessary revisions are made, resubmit the final draft of the manuscript for a copy edit. Click HERE to learn more.