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The Sith Inquisitor is a hybrid class with the ability to mantle the role of DPS and healer. While fluent in the practice of melee, the Sith inquisitor draws on the Dark Side of the Force to unleash devastating attacks from Stealth or drain life from range. Besides two exclusive talent trees, the Sith Inquisitor advanced classes Assassin and Sorcerer share the talent tree Madness which increase the Sith Inquisitors mastery of the Force to drain and corrupt enemies. Sith Inquisitor Specs & Talent Builds

Besides the talent tree Madness which the Sith Inquisitor Assassin shares with the Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer, the class has access to the talent trees Deception and Darkness. Whereas Deception talents enhance the Sith Inquisitors stealth abilities and damage output, Darkness boosts the Sith Inquisitor Assassins active defensive techniques and abilities.

Sith Inquisitor Assassin: Madness DPS Build A Madness talent tree DPS build for Sith Inquisitor Assassin optimized for Operations and Flashpoints with sustained DPS and crowd control in mind.

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