- Sixth Fleet - the Star Trek PBeM RPG community (play-by-email role-playing games)

Description: Sixth Fleet is arguably one of the best Star Trek role-playing communities on the world wide web today. Our PBeM RPG simulations (PBeMs) are among the most exciting and longest running play-by-email games you will find anywhere, most of them dating back to the mid-nineties

games (13390) play (3132) rpg (2205) trek (569) star trek (405) pbem (60) 6th (19) play-by-email (13) sixth fleet

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You have found what is arguably one of the best Star Trek role-playing communities on the world wide web today. Our PBeM RPG simulations (PBeMs) are among the most exciting and longest running play-by-email games you will find anywhere, most of them dating back to the mid-nineties.

Quality and Innovation. These aren't merely words for us. They are our most basic tenets. After re-founding the community as Sixth Fleet, we made it our goal to get back to where our predecessor Tango Fleet was ten years ago: to be the innovator and trend setter other play-by-email fleets look up to and strive to be like.

Join our simulations and see for yourself. Today.