Description: BEST COLLEGE OF B.ED AND B.T.C in orai and district jalaun uttar pradesh.Recognize by NCTE andAffiliated by Bundelkhand University Jhansi

education (20193) college (4210) class (1805) exam (582) b.ed (28) orai (28) bundelkhand (4) b.t.c. (1) jalaun (1) bundelkhand university (1)

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S .K.Mahavidyalaya was established in 2015 at Churkhi Road,Niamatpur near R.T.O. office amguan orai Jalaun U.P. under the Recognize by NCTE and affiliated by Bundelkhand University Jhansi and Accredited by uttar pradesh Government The college has been build for co-education of bachelor of education to develop teaching skills that will be making the good teacher of primary school and academic college. It is equipped with modern infrastructure facilities like sports playgrounds, modern laboratories, and moder

We have 2 units (100 Seat) per year, all of process of Admission Procedure from Common Entrance test conducted by University/State Government, B.ED. Course duration is 2 year. Read more