Description: Specialised in banking, capital markets and insurance law, Leite Borges navigates the complex landscape of banking, capital markets and insurance law. Innovative, pragmatic and empathetic, Leite Borges lawyers are consistently committed to adding value to each client.
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Sofia Leite Borges & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados SP, RL.| NIPC: 513780009 | N.º de Registo na Ordem dos Advogados: 8/2016 | Avenida Sidónio Pais, 16, 2º Esq., 1050-215 Lisboa, Portugal
PT DNA Expertise People Careers Knowledge Connect PORTUGUESE PT Talk To Us Think Legal out of the box Set up in 2016, Leite Borges was created with the aim of thinking legal, outside of the box, by empowering its client’s through collaborative, innovative and detail-oriented working methods.
Specialised in banking, capital markets and insurance law, we have inside out knowledge and expertise in these areas, which enables us to provide our clients with sustainable long-term solutions.