- Equine Massage Therapy | Equine Sports Massage | Gilroy, CA

Description: Equine massage therapy, Magnawave & Aculife Patches to help your horse be more relaxed, pain free and feeling happier, so he can perform better.

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Decrease recovery time after training or showing + increase blood flow to lessen the likelihood of injury = a more relaxed horse and a better performance.

After acquiring a mare in 2018 that I continually battled soundness issues with, I did extensive research about various treatments that I could do myself. After several consultations with my veterinarian and farrier, we could see the muscle tension and tightness that was affecting her, and I finally decided sports massage was the best option to give her pain relief and make her comfortable.

In 2020, the barn I was training out of sold and I knew then it was time to complete my certification in equine massage therapy. I worked on a few friends’ horses and had a couple horses referred to me by my farrier and equine chiropractor, leading me down the path of helping as many horses as I could get my hands on. I am currently certified in sports massage, kinesiology taping, red-light therapy and magnawave. I firmly believe in listening to the client – and the horse – to better direct my sessions and

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