- Greater Avenues Community Council | Salt Lake City, Utah | Greater Avenues Community Council | Salt Lake City, Utah

Description: The Greater Avenues Community Council serves as the neighborhood council where residents can discuss issues of mutual concern and enrich the community.

utah (2451) salt lake city (798) slc (131) historic district (65) avenues (18) avenues street fair (1) popperton (1)

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 Comments or questions about anything related to living in the Avenues? Email 2023 GACC Chair Merrilee Morgan at . RegularLabs.EmailProtector.unCloak("ep_0282476b"); RegularLabs.EmailProtector.unCloak("ep_3eb4b4a8", true);  

  he GACC June 2023 Community Meeting was held on Wednesday, June 7th.  The Zoom recording of the meeting can be seen at : , using Passcode: taJq.Uv0

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