Description: Snickers, a black and tan Shiba Inu, grew up in NYC, lived in five states, rescued numerous other doggies, loved his people, and almost lived to be 18 years old.
Jenna & Snickers Promote Humane Education and Responsible Dog Ownership
Snickers, a.k.a. Snick the Dog, a.k.a. Kawakirei BNT Sweet 'N Nutty, was a black and tan Shiba Inu. Born Thanksgiving Day, 2003, in upstate New York, Snick was a sweet puppy from the very beginning.
His breeder, Sandra Krupski, chose him for us because he was "the kissiest" boy in the litter. She later wrote " Snickers was a big puppy when born and he loved to eat and looked like it. Because he was so bottom heavy he was the last to walk. We used to do leg exercises while he laid on his back and stared at me. Then he got his belly scratched and tickled and loved it. It got so he would just flop over every time I walked near him. Best head of the bunch. He was always the most social of the boys... every