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Blogging can be great for some extra money. I still get around $300-$500 a month off of my blog, which I work on 30 minutes twice a week! To monetize your blog, there are a few things you will need to do to maximize the revenue you will make. Here are a few tips I [...]

Blogging is fun. I am a blogger, so trust me, it’s fun! People blog for a variety of reasons; some do it to promote a product, some do it to promote themselves, some do it for the love of writing, some do it to make money. There are a million reasons to blog, all you [...]

Using Twitter for your business is a very effective method of promotions, organization and sales. The idea of Twitter is so simple, a couple sentences blasted out to numerous followers. This technique helps you make announcements and broadcast them to your employees, partners and customers. Here are 5 ways to use twitter for your business: [...]