- Woodpecker

Description: Software Engineer based in San Francisco Bay Area

blog (29603) python (4018) scala (289) haskell (137) nix (65) nixos (18) salar (10) rahmanian (4) salar rahmanian (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Announcing I am thrilled to announce my new video website, a place for great technical talk content ad free and free from commercial sponsorship. As many of you know I used to organize meetup/technical talks in the bay area (and later virtually online since the start of the …

Update: Since writing this blog I have re-started arranging some meetups again. For details visit: Current Meetups I am organizer for After having spent the last seven years organizing technical talks at several meetups I have decided to step down and move on. It is an end of an era for me, but I am excited about …

In November 2020 I had the great privilege to do a Talk at Scale By The Bay Conference. Here is the recording of my talk I also wrote three blogs posts as a companion to my talk Introduction to the Actor Model Introduction to Akka Typed Using Scala Introduction to Zio Actors

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