Description: SystemStar does COSYSMO! Costar does the COCOMO II, COCOMO II.2000, and Incremental COCOMO calculations. The site also has an Introduction to COCOMO and related FAQs and links, including COCOMO 2 links.
boehm (25) costar (10) cocomo (7) softstar (2) cosysmo (1) cocomo ii (1) softstar systems (1) ligett (1) cocomo ii.2000 (1) barry boehm (1)
SystemStar implements two types of models:
COCOMO is the world's most widely used software estimation model.
Software project managers use SystemStar to produce estimates of a project's duration , staffing levels , effort , and cost . SystemStar lets you make trade-offs and experiment with "what-if" analyses to arrive at the optimal project plan.