Description: Sunpower for everyone, yes our aim is to provide solar power to everyone. In order to achieve this, we must educate and provide solar powered solutions to the market directly. Therefore, Solar Power Mart had been created for this purpose. Educate and pr
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Solar Panel, Charge Controller, Solar Battery, Inverter, DIY Kit, Wind Turbine, ph: +603-8052-0078 (Sales) fax: +603-2178-4468 sales @solarpow er-mart .com
Sunpower for everyone. Yes, our aim is to provide solar power to everyone. In order to achieve this objective, we must first educate the community and provide solar powered solutions to the market directly and effectively. Therefore, Solar Power Mart has been created to provide continuous learning and latest technology to consumers and industries.
Our on-line store operates 24 by 7 and 365 days a year, providing affordable solar panels, high efficiency solar cells, PWM charge controllers, batteries, 12 Volt Direct Current appliances systems, inverters, cables, mounting kits and solar DIY kits.