- Solar System - The Sun, Solar System, Solar Syorms, Solar Effects On Earth, Sunspot Cycles

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This is an independent informational site covering the Sun, the Heliosphere, Solar Storms and other related material. Items presented are interesting and in-depth, but in laymen's language. Technical jargon is kept to a minimum.

The sun, as the centerpiece of our solar system, is a very interesting subject with many different regions. The sun's magnetic field and Solar Wind create a comet-like sphere, called the Heliosphere, around the whole solar system. The sun is a very active star with Prominences, Flares, Nanoflares, Sunspots, and other surface phenomenon.

The Heliosphere is a comet-like shaped bubble with a trailing tail filled with hydrogen and helium gases from the Solar Wind. The Solar Wind is a constant stream of charged particles emanating from the surface of the sun. NASA has sent Voyagers 1 and 2 out to explore the outer reaches of the Heliosphere. Recent results from Voyager 1 are discussed in detail.

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