- Somatic Well-Being

Description: Somatic Well-Being provides services in clinical somatics education, personal training, and coaching, as a means toward better pain management, better postural alignment, and the overall restoration of more effective movement. Kim Kies is trained in Clinical Somatics Education in the tradition of Thomas Hanna, NASM certified personal trainer, and Wellness Coach certified.

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SomaYoga Designed for your Needs

You can increase your sense of wellbeing by raising awareness of the different realms of your being (mind, body, and sense of spirit) and then engaging in practices that help shape a way of being in the world that is aligned with your Self.  You can learn how to shape your way of being through individual sessions, classes, and home practices.  Your experience of tomorrow's journey starts in this moment and how you live it.

SomaYoga is a blend of a long tradition of yogic practices and modern clinical somatics education.  Many yogic practices have been tested over hundreds of years and handed down by experienced teachers.  Some yogic practices have been confirmed as effective in research studies and yogic practices are starting to become recognized in therapeutic settings. Clinical somatics education uses sophisticated techniques based on modern understanding of human functioning including neuro-science and kinesiology. It res