- Dentists in Somerset, NJ | The Art of Dentistry and Spa

Description: Get what your smile needs from our experienced dentists in Somerset, NJ. Call 732-422-5122 for an appointment at The Art of Dentistry and Spa.

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New Patient Forms request a Consultation request a Consultation Welcome Patients of Dr. Shari Burack, DDS Is there really a difference between one dentist and another? At The Art of Dentistry and Spa, you’ll see our difference immediately, and you’ll be amazed. When you go to the family dentist, you expect a friendly staff, the latest in technology, and something to aid with the pain you may experience. Do you expect a spa atmosphere? A serene setting with a waterfall in the waiting area? Coffee, tea, or ev

We are dedicated to providing our patients with mercury-free restorations as a standard of care. We never use mercury in any of our restorations, ever.

Find out more about our safe Mercury Amalgam rem oval procedures (S.M.A.R.T.).