- Somfy Photography Award - Winner 2022

Description: The Somfy Photography Award aims to use appealing photography to portray the effects that Somfy technology achieves in buildings to ease the lives of the people who use them.

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On Saturday October 8, the Somfy Photography Award 2022 was awarded to Bas Losekoot in the Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht. With his series ‘The Loop’ he is the winner of the European photography competition. The runner-up prize goes to Popel Coumou with her 3D installation ‘The appearance of light. Light as home’. Both photographers live and work in Amsterdam. The group exhibition can be seen until January 29, 2023. The Somfy Photography Award 2022 has a first prize of €15,000 and a runner-up pri

The jury consists of Bene Taschen (gallery owner), Roos Schouw (editor-in-chief of Focus Magazine), Paul Kooiker (photographer), André Terlingen (designer and photographer), Huub Koene (initiator and founder of the Award) and Erik de Jong (director of the Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof).

The jury was impressed by the diversity of entries and the personal involvement of the photographers. Bas Losekoot convinced with a distinctive visual presentation. In his series, he shows commuters in the financial district of ‘The Loop’ in Chicago (USA) on their way home from work in the evening rush hour. The consistency and quality of his work betray a tenacity and drive as a photographer. The use of colour and the general atmosphere of the photos ensure that an apparently insignificant event is placed