- Sonia Casari

arte (5507) pittura (655) ceramica (484) scultura (305) installazione (188) gres (124) tessitura (45) feltro (38) gioiello (37) porcellana (35)

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The installation was exhibited in 2007-2008 at the Contemporary Art Festival - o7o8 - Cervignano del Friuli (Udine - Italy) "...The symbolic value characterizes the disposition of the elements. The three squares at the bottom indicate the Earth, where life exists, the material world... In the middle lies the Spirit: humans' attempt to represent it!" (S. Casari)

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"The contemporary jewel is one of my major creative passions. I have always been inspired by primitive cultures where the decoration of the body has acquired various symbolic meanings". (S.Casari)

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