- Atlanta Soccer Leagues & Pickup - Sons of Pitches FC

Description: Atlanta's adult soccer club. Play year-round leagues and pickup games on premium intown turf fields with stadium lights.

of (7656) atlanta (3972) ga (3520) soccer (3430) fc (445) sons (161) pitches (46) sons of pitches fc (2)

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Sons of Pitches FC offers intown Atlanta weekly soccer leagues , daily pickup games , and monthly Teamup events year-round for all skill levels from "first time since middle school" to "almost pro." We look forward to welcoming you at the pitch!

Our league photographers are regularly out capturing the action. Browse and save high-res game photos from our full photo galleries .

Highlights, lowlights, lineups, matchups, outcomes, and plenty 'o cheeky stories from teams across the club. Tap and follow!

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