Description: Soul of Canada is an Alberta based collective, producing historical material in a variety of formats ranging from calendars and framed archival photographs to books. Our mission is to bring Canadian history and heritage to life. With focus on the oil and gas, petroleum and reclaimation industries.
oil and gas (739) petroleum (425) canadian history (22) canadian heritage (3) alberta history (2) land reclaimation (1) randal kabatoff (1) framed showcases (1) historic calendars (1) alberta pioneers (1)
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As you can see from our titles, our showcases cover a number of the key industries and histories of our province. Our showcases detail the history of oil and gas discovery, mining, and refining in Alberta, and they celebrate the men and women who helped to build the industry. We are also proud to honour Alberta’s long history with horses, including their roles in construction, farming, ranching, and entertainment. Our two most recent releases about Edmonton’s pioneers and Alberta’s agriculture industry have