- South Austin Foodie

Description: A blog about the Austin, Texas food scene, including restaurant reviews, recipes, food news and events.

restaurant (27696) news (25277) food (18331) texas (13029) austin (3747) review (2913) bits (200) opening (197) south austin (33) food trailers (14)

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I started the blog as a creative outlet; I've always thought of myself as a decent writer and I have a good understanding of my palate. I've tried to communicate why I liked/disliked foods/dishes beyond just saying "it was good" because anyone can do that. What are the tastes, the textures, does it meet the menu description? Also when I started blogging, there wasn't really search engine optimization or analytics to be concerned about, and hence I have never bothered to be concerned with them. I am not in t

Leaving Austin and selling my South Austin home of 24 years does not come lightly, but after dealing with the Covid era (or "coronial times" as a good friend calls it) and then snowpocalypse/snowvid in February 2021 it definitely makes me want to be closer to my family. Albuquerque will be my new home come the end of June. Only one state away, but SO different in so many different ways.  And you can't really be South Austin Foodie living in Central Albuquerque, can you?  While I won't be updating the blog,

I already have some Abq food recs, so if you need some holler and if you have some to share, don't be shy! 

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