Of all the places to start doing remote work or telecommuting, rural America does not seem like an ideal area to set up a home office. Because of rural America’s lack of infrastructure that can support high-speed broadband Internet for rural areas , many people have resorted to using outdated Internet providers such as dial-up and DSL Internet companies. Dial-up Internet is particularly atrocious when it comes to teleconferences and video chatting.
Because of dial-up Internet’s abysmally high levels of latency, it is impossible to engage in video chats without any major issues. Latency often leads to lag and other disruptions during live activities like video chatting. As a result of this, remote workers may miss crucial information during important work meetings.
This issue is not exclusive to dial-up Internet but is also a problem for some of the best rural Internet service providers. Unlimited satellite Internet is a popular choice for many rural residents because of its ability to reach almost anywhere in the world. However, high latency is satellite Internet’s most obvious weakness. The distance that Internet signals have to travel from satellites in outer space to rural households results in unwelcome lag and delays.