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Description: Planet Earth is our original spaceship.

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Excess greenhouse gas emissions are throwing our planet’s climate way out of balance, to the point where natural disasters are starting to feel a lot less natural, and in fact are a lot more deadly. The good news is, we have the tools to slow down and even reverse climate change, and build a healthier, more equitable world in the process.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how important it is to have a strong public health care system, and to make sure everyone can understand & follow public health guidelines. Keeping our loved ones safe can be as simple as making smart, informed decisions in our everyday lives. SpaceshipOne is here to help.

Dirty energy (like coal and oil) is polluting our air and causing rapid, destructive climate change. Everyone has the right to breathe clean air, and no one should have to live in fear of losing their home, livelihood, or life to a massive hurricane, tornado, or wildfire. Building a stronger, more resilient world means we need 100% clean energy, like solar, wind, and nuclear.

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