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South Poland Cleantech Cluster participates in a newly started Visegrad project together with partners – Czech Smart City Cluster , Slovak Smart City Cluster and Digitalis Jolet nonprofit from Hungary. The project “Smart V4 Strategies” was awarded financing support from the Visegrad Fund. The aim of the project is to connect relevant partners in the given area of SMART strategies and prepare procedures for classification of SMART strategies in V4 countries into one complex database portal. The project offer

is the initiator of the krk UrbanHub  project - a sustainable CEE  (Central- and Eastern European)  urbanization hub krakowurbanhub is a partner in the urbanhub europe consortium of European cities consisting of BLOXHUB in Copenhagen, KIRAHub in Helsinki, Munich Urban Colab , FACTORY Hammerbrooklyn Hamburg, FAKTORY Berlin , Urban Resilience Hub Barcelona krk UrbanHub  is a national and international meeting place that engages people in architecture, design and sustainable urban development. This is done thr

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