Description: Jim Selleck - professional web design consulting services
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Technology has evolved at an ever-increasing speed. Nevertheless, the fundamental principles of reaching people and communicating ideas have not changed. The formula for lasting business success is to find a need and fulfill it better than your competitors.
One hundred years ago, if you had a product to sell, you invested in signs on street cars or store window hanging posters. You put metal signs in places your customers were known to frequent. Newspaper and magazine advertising were effective. Other opportunities to get your message out included blotters, watch fobs, thermometers, sports score cards, and pencils. The state of the art in technology was radio, but radio advertising opportunities were still more than ten years off.
The flow of information was languid, and product life cycles were longer. It was easier for your message to stand out and be heard. Social networking consisted of conversations at the local barber shop, church gatherings, front porches and parlors