Description: Anki language learning flashcards are based on scientific research to help you become fluent in a foreign language. Learn with pre-made Anki flashcards now!
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We make digital Anki language learning flashcards so you can learn languages faster and hassle-free. Trusted by thousands of language learners, our Anki decks have been proven to help you learn a language in 3 main areas; pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. All our digital flashcards are compatible with Anki .
“ This is great! I gave up learning Italian last year because I just couldn’t handle making my own cards. I absolutely despised creating my own. It was like a full-time job. So for your cards to get me to 90% — I think I can get there (finally)!”
Rating: 5 out of 5. “I really like the Anki system but it is a bit complicated and I don’t have a lot of time to figure out how to add all the different components. If you can help me get half the way there then my Swedish will improve dramatically I am sure. “