Description: What is speaking in tongues according to the Bible and could speaking in tongues be a counterfeit from satan for the real gift of tongues?
There is no doubt that the gift of tongues that God gave at Pentecost was for the purpose of preaching the Gospel but could speaking in tongues also be deadly gift from the enemy?
Legend has it that when the Greeks were unable to capture the city of Troy even after imposing a ten year siege, they finally resorted to a clever stratagem. The Greek army pretended to sail away and left on the shore a huge, hollow wooden horse as an apparent victory gift. However, the gift was actually filled with several armed warriors! Sinon, a Greek spy inside Troy, persuaded the Trojans to bring the horse within the city walls, saying that to do so would mysteriously make Troy invincible. That night S
If you would prefer an extremely in depth study on glossolalia which includes four pages of Bible commentaries, please select speaking in tongues . This alternative has approximately three times as much information without the commentaries.