speculativepolitics.com - Speculative Politics

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SPECULATIVE POLITICS (working title) attempts to link speculative/critical design with political fiction. The research focus on realities which are based on fictions, or in other words, on artificial constructions which become reel through images. I am interested in the paradox of contemporary visual culture, which constitutes its reality on the basis of real and virtual images on the one hand, and, with the victory of modern sciences, has no right to imagine/dream alternatives one the other hand. Consideri

By means of Design Fiction questioning our relationships to built and natural environments, SPECULATIVE POLITICS attempts to (re)activate political imagination by producing new images and/or by reorienting existing ones. Design does not only document existing conditions, but also put things together in new ways, adding value through form, image, etc. This online platform is both, research method and conversation piece, aiming to materialize, discuss and put together thoughts. Donna Haraway’s concept of “wor

The leading statement/research question of this blog is a concrete and simple one: When our reality is a “post-produced video installation and images can be changed” (4) , which images do we want to design (and to become real) in a complex contemporary world?