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If you’ve ever experienced a leaking upstairs, then you know the headaches and potential damage that come with it. A water leak can cause damage to the ceiling, walls, and floors, as well as to the contents of the room below. But, how do you deal with it? In this article, we will cover some […]

Gate management software can provide a number of benefits for businesses and organizations that need to manage access to physical locations or events. Here are some of the key benefits: Improved security: Gate management software can help improve security by ensuring that only authorized individuals are granted access to a particular location or event. This […]

Noida Authority, in Uttar Pradesh, has become the first city in the state to implement the structural audit policy, which will be effective from 1st April 2023. As per the policy, it is mandatory for builders to seek occupancy certificates (OC) for all new and old delayed projects in the city. After 1st April, builders […]