spiezconvergence.com - Spiez CONVERGENCE

Description: Spiez CONVERGENCE intends to inform participants about latest advances on chemistry making biology and biology making chemistry, as well as the adoption of such advances by the biotechnology and chemical industries. Participants discuss how such developments may affect production technologies for toxic chemicals, toxins and microorganisms and assess potential implications for chemical and biological arms control.

conference (4497) biotechnology (824) convergence (101) non-proliferation (10) arms control (4) technological change (4) scientific advances (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Spiez Laboratory operates six testing centres that are accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS).

Chemical warfare agents and related compounds, synthesis, detection, decontamination, identification.

Determining radionuclide concentrations in the environment (air, water, soil), in food as well as in other materials and auxiliary equipment